John proved that his
in-your-face style of reporting isn't just for the TV screen by
telling the audience that Bedford felt like the North Korean capital Pyongyang in
that "it has a sense of itself, but is not just quite right."

Scientologist lawyers we should point and shout "Bigot! Bigot! Bigot!"
at him. This humble blogger did so and if you point and shout
"Bigot!" at your screen whilst reading this entry then we should all be
safe from any legal entanglements.
With audience members
taking on the parts of, amongst others, John Travolta, Tom
Cruise and L. Ron Hubbard and repeating some of their
more seemingly outlandish statements on the subject of Scientology it
would have been easy to feel that this was just an evening of easy
ridicule. However, John's central message is that Scientology is a
dishonest money making scheme that divides families and displays all the
characteristics of a cult rather than a legitimate religion.
He maintains that he
defends people's right to believe in anything they wish. But, unlike
established religions, Scientology isn't up front about the
basic tenets of its 'faith'. Whether you believe it or not Christianity is
quite clear that they believe
Jesus was the son of god who died for our sins,
then rose again.

Hence, the title of the book that accompanies the talk - 'The Church of Fear'.
Whatever your opinion of the talk, it was certainly a lively, combative night of robust conversation and debate.
NEXT TIME: No Skeptics In the Pub event in December. But please join us again on Thursday 16th January when Stevyn Colgan (from the BBC show 'Q.I.') will be talking to us about grass-roots skepticism and why we should be critical thinkers in every aspect of our lives. Full details HERE.