Hard to believe that another month has passed by. But it must have as another Bedford Skeptics In The Pub event has just taken place. Close to 40 people were in The White Horse to hear Dr Andy Russell talk about Climate Change and, more specifically, how 'bad science' and 'bad skepticism' form the basis for climate change denial.
There are plenty of websites and blogs on the web concerned with man-made climate change (aka Anthropogenic Global warming - AGW.) From those that believe climate change is a reality we have to face, such as Skepticalscience.com to others who think quite the opposite such as Watt's Up With That.
This blog entry isn't going to run through all the various arguments. So please feel free to dive on in and have a look at what they have to offer and make your own mind up as to their relative merits.
Instead we'll outline Andy's thinking that the term 'Skeptic' is being used by many who, in fact, are not 'Skeptics' but simply 'Deniers'.
Andy sees himself as a 'Scientific Skeptic' in that he will attempt to investigate claims, weighing up the relative validity of evidence on both sides of the argument, before forming a judgement on an issue. Whilst some who claim to be equally 'skeptical' in their thinking do not do this. In fact, it would seem that any evidence , however strong, that is put before them which challenges their position will not cause them to re-examine their belief, let alone actually change their stance. Surely, the correct position for a true 'Skeptic' to take would be to change/abandon their position when faced with overwhelming evidence to the contrary? If not, then are they simply 'Deniers' and their belief is more akin to a faith that the scientific-rational thought process they claim to adhere to?
Andy cited various counter arguments to the beliefs of such 'Deniers'. You can find a handy list of some of them at www.skepticalscience.com/argument.php
More disturbingly, Andy went on to talk about how labelling yourself a 'Climate Change Skeptic' or indeed a 'Skeptic' in general can actually be used as a handy disguise by those who have an agenda to discredit those practicing good science and skepticism. He cited the book 'Merchants Of Doubt' which examines how well respected scientists, funded by powerful lobby groups, purposely set about misleading the public and erroneously calling well evidenced and proven scientific knowledge on subjects such as smoking, acid rain and global warming into doubt.
Andy pointed to the work of Leo Hikman who is uncovering the financial interests that some of the UK's most prominent climate change deniers have in the oil industry.
All this must make it sound like this talk was pretty serious, grim and a bit depressing. But quite the opposite. Andy was a lively, funny and informative speaker. This was especially admirable considering he was suffering serious jet-lag. I know the train journey from London to Bedford can be torturous at times. But I'd never seen it provoke jet-lag before!
So, what can we take from this event? Perhaps this, when someone claims to be a 'Skeptic' - delve a little deeper. What would it take for them to change their position on an issue? Examine your own stances. Are your 'beliefs' arrived at by good science and skepticism?
A reminder: You can add your thoughts, comments on this issue or Bedford Skeptics in general by going to the bottom of this blog post and clicking on the 'Comment' link. This will open up a window in which you can add your thoughts.
Next month: On Thursday 18th April we welcome a speaker from The English Collective Of Prostitutes who will be talking about the legalisation of prostitution and what form any such legalisation should take. More details from the Bedford Skeptics In The Pub website.